AgileData Newsletter #12
Micro Actions, Ensuring a Little Bit of Magic Happens Here Every Time
The data domain is full of complexity.
From understanding the data from a system of capture, to picking a data modeling pattern (or not), to writing code to transform data to make it useful, to cleaning crappy data so you can trust it. Each of these steps in the data supply chain can be simple but more often than not they are complex.
At AgileData we are fixated on making the complex simple.
Sometimes that involves removing the need to type a couple of characters to get a job done. May not seem like a big change but it all works towards making a complex task seem simpler.
Read more @
Data Products
Data Product is a hot term in the modern data domain, but often it's unclear what a data product is and how they are different from the dashboards of old or terms like data as a product.
In this AgileData podcast Shane chats with Eric Broda about his view on what a data product is and isn't.
Listen to the AgileData podcast or read the transcript @
Project Managers Who Have Done Standups
We see a lot of anti-patterns when working with data teams to help them adopt an agile way of working.
A few of those anti-patterns often appear when a Project Manager is transitioned into the role of Scrum Master without the support they need to make the transition successful.
Read more @ AgileData WoW
Duplicate Rules
Sometimes you have data transformation code that you want to use again in a slightly different way.
In AgileData we call transformation code a Change Rule, because you are changing the way the data is structured, stored or changing the data itself.
Rather than forcing you to copy and paste the Change Rule into a text editor etc we built a simple duplicate rule feature.
Create a copy of that code in a click, simply magical.
Watch @ YouTube
The Overlap Between Modern Military Ideas and Agile
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation about the overlap between modern military ideas and Agile with Ben Ford. In this podcast, we discuss Commando concepts, the OODA loop, Turn the Ship Around, Teams of Teams. Bureaucracy vs delegation. Management politics vs outcomes. Bottom up vs top down agile. OKR’s and Mission Command. Delegation vs Control. Theory X and Theory management. How management politics leads organisations to become disconnected from reality and enter a death spiral. Scaling around teams, HQ’s and specialist units. Systematizing good leadership through standard processes for orders, and debriefs.