AgileData Newsletter #14
Prototype to Production
When starting out on their journey into the new world of AgileData ways of working, data teams will often start off with a Prototype > Production pattern.
We see this as a stepping stone to being able to build production Information Products from the get go.
But as with all things agile its about starting off with a pattern, getting feedback from the team and stakeholders and then iterating to make things better.
Have a listen or read of a podcast where Gerhard De Beer discusses the Production > Prototype pattern his teams experimented with.
Listen to the AgileData podcast or read the transcript @
File Upload
As data practitioners we should always strive to automate the collection of data from the Systems of Capture into our data platforms.
But sometimes we just need to drop or upload a file into the data platform to get started.
As we use Google Cloud to power AgileData we can easily drop a file into a “bucket” but we also needed a way to allow analysts to easily upload a file.
Have a look at our file upload feature.
Watch @ YouTube
Assessing Agile Capability
Adopting an AgileData Way of Working is all about iterating the way you work to make things better.
Often assessing where the team is now helps understand where the team could go next.
In this podcast Shane and Murray discuss assessing your agile capability.
Listen to the No Nonsense Podcast or read the transcript
The Challenge of Being an Agile Data Leader
The person who decides to help their data team change the way they work by adopting agile patterns is taking an agile data leadership role that comes with both risks and rewards.
To the leaders who embrace those risks we salute you.
Read more @ AgileData WoW
AgileData >>> Modern Data Stack
AgileData’s mission is to reduce the complexity of managing data. A large part of modern data complexity is selecting, implementing and maintaining a raft of different technologies to provide your “Modern Data Stack”. At AgileData we have already done the hard work to engineer the AgileData Modern Data Stack, and you get this capability as part of our SaaS solution. This article describes what a Modern Data Stack is and what we use under the covers to deliver this.