AgileData Newsletter #21
I Can Write a Bit of Code Faster
There is a pattern of sunk costs that we all often fall foul of.
It's a pattern where we have started to invest in something and got some traction, but then realise we have miss guessed the amount of effort required to complete the work that needs to be done.
Rather than look at the total work with a new lens we look at it based on the lens of losing the effort we have already done.
We see the pandoras box of hidden work appear a lot in the data platform space. Especially when guestimating the effort and features needed to build out a Modern Data Stack.
Read more @
Data Layers, the Magic of the Right Data in the Right Place
We believe one of the first things you should define as part of your agile architecture is your data layers.
As with all things agile you can always change them in the future, but some decisions are foundational and the cost of change is large.
Your data layer decision is one of those foundation decisons.
Join Shane and Nigel as they discuss what data layers and how we apply data layers as a core part of the AgileData Agile-Tecture.
Listen to the AgileData podcast or read the transcript @
Agile Mindset
When asked what an "Agile Mindset" is the response is often "you will know it when you see it"
We have a go at providing a better definition as part of our AgileData Way of Working.
Read more @ AgileData WoW
Auto Rules
We make it easy to create Change Rules using our low code rules interface, so you can transform your raw data into designed data and make it easier for your users to consume.
We have just gone one step further and created the ability for you to do this in one click, using the AutoRules feature.
Watch the Gone in 60 Seconds video and see what you think.
Watch on YouTube
Evolutionary Design & Agile Architecture
Agile isn't Ad-Hoc, we still do design and we still do architecture.
But rather than big design and architecture upfront, we incrementally do the work when it is required and when it has the most value.
And then we plan to iterate and change it when required and based on feedback.
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a no-nonsense agile discussion. about evolutionary design.