AgileData Newsletter #26
Natural Language Rules Output
Understanding how data has being transformed is often complex.
We aim to make it simple.
Displaying a Natural Language version of the transformation is another step in our journey to reducing the complexity of managing data in a simply magical way.
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Using a Cloud Data Warehouse is Expensive - Myth or Fact
Cloud Data Platforms promise you the magic of storing your data and unlimited elastic compute for cents. Is it too good to be true?
Yes AND No.
You can run a cloud platform for a low low cost, but it will take engineering effort to get there.
Persona Template
Without understanding who we are developing data or information for, we cannot focus on ensuring we deliver it in the way they need or prefer.
We find our AgileData Persona Template is a great way to help communicate the Personas in your organisation.
Read more at AgileData WoW
Jonathan Hall – Implementing Continuous Delivery
CI/CD requires a level of test automation that seems impossible for most organisations.
We chat with Jonathan Hall who describes a practical implementation path to CI/CD that everyone can do.
Start by changing the role of QA to focus on pairing with developers to write good automated tests.
Automate tests for all of your code changes, bug fixes and change regression testing.
Automate your deployment and rollback tests.
Test your changes one at a time against a fresh copy of production.
Fix all defects and broken tests immediately.
Listen to our chat with Jonathan for more about implementing Continuous Delivery.
Listen to the No Nonsense Podcast or read the transcript at
Jeff Gothelf – Lean UX and Sense and Respond
In this conversation with Jeff Gothelf about Lean UX and Sense and Respond, we talked about should fill out a canvas and what happens when a HIPPO does it.
The idea that if the team are producing the canvas together, it’s not sacred anymore because they have permission to create and change it.
But if it is completed by a HIPPO, to change the canvas is a conversation with the HIPPO saying they are wrong. Not the hypothesis is wrong, but the HIPPO is wrong.
So making the completion of a canvas as a team sport is better and a lot more fun as well.
Listen to the No Nonsense Podcast or read the transcript at
The Life of a Awesome Product Owner – Hiria Te Rangi
If your data team are using Scrum patterns as part of their Way of Working then you probably have somebody in the supporting role of a Product Owner.
Join Shane and Blair as they chat to Hiria Te Rangi on her experience of being and coaching awesome product owners.